
Joining Ohr Chabad

Part 1: Intro

Becoming a Pioneer

The Seed Group, or in Hebrew, “Garin,” is a group of the first 30 families who will move into the yishuv and establish the community atmosphere and framework. The garin already works together, planning the community and preparing for move-in day. They meet up often, learn together, and have community programs and youth groups.

Part 2: Foundation

The Seed Group

The garin plans on moving into a temporary neighborhood in Ohr Chabad in 2023. The neighborhood will be made of prefab homes and function like a normal small community, while supervising the construction of the first permanent neighborhood. The garin are real pioneers, shaping the very foundation of Ohr Chabad for decades to come.

There are just a few spaces available in the garin, and we are looking for some wonderful families to join.

Pioneer in the Founding Seed Group

The Seed Group has a strong influence on the future of the yishuv, and therefore
is made up of a dynamic group of high quality and capable families.

Part 3: Joining


Here are some of the requirements for families to join Ohr Chabad:

  • Chabad chassidim who follow Shluchan Aruch HaRav and Chabad minhagim.
  • Respect for the Chabad Beis Din of Israel and Aguch establishment.
  • A shlichus mentality, expressed in action throughout the day.
  • Strong Ahavas Yisroel and humility, easy to get along with and avoid conflict.
  • A chassidishe growth mindset, constantly looking to grow and learn.
  • Positive role models for future residents of the community.
  • Financially self-sufficient, including the ability to purchase and build a home.
  • Flexibility and ability to navigate challenges of living in a brand new tiny community in nature.
  • No criminal record or reputation of abuse.

Part 4: Signup

I want to Join

If you are interested in being a part of the initial Pioneering Seed Group consisting of 30 families, please fill out an application here.
Please apply here if you are interested in buying a plot of land and building a home in Ohr Chabad in the near future, and would like to be added to the waiting list once development commences.

Chassidic Wisdom Comes to Life