Delicious and Homey Pear Tart

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Truth be told, I have a strong dislike for blogs, Facebook and social media.

So much so that this is actually my first blog post EVER. I mean, I avoid any media that increases competition and my personal feeling of inadequacy compared to everyone’s parenting/housekeeping/skiing/traveling/cooking skills… You get it.

So I’ll preface this post by saying that the reason I am writing (asides from the fact my friend Bruria asked me to), is because I always thought I couldn’t do something specific. And today I just jumped in and did it.
And it had a profound impact on how I feel about my identity. My capabilities. My boundaries as a person, parent, and wife.

I feel like I was taught a deep lesson in how we often frame our own limitations and live down to them. That’s our personal galus. Our personal Geula (redemption) would be overcoming those limitations.

I ended up with a crate (yes crate!!) of pears (don’t ask), and had to figure out what to do with them.

Yes. Today I made a pear tart. Here it is:

Healthy Delicious and Homey Pear Tart


Tiny chopped pears. A full bowl is great – you’ll have enough to freeze or send to your friend who just had a baby.
Pour lemon juice honey and silan (date honey)
Chia seeds liberally
Almonds and Raisins (I used roasted, because I happened to have. That’s the best.)
Cinnamon to taste


3 cups spelt flour
2-4 tablespoons honey or silan
5 – 6 tablespoons olive oil
1 tsp salt

Mix until it’s crumbly
Slowly add 1 cup of ice cold water
Knead until malleable
Roll thin and spread the pears in the center as you wish, then fold the dough from the sides over to cover or half cover the pears. I cut the sides of the dough in parallel strips towards the center to form strips and then “braided” over the top.

Can be baked in a round pan or cupcakes – whatever you want.

So there you go. Me, who was always impressed to the point of intimidation by fancy looking desserts. Today I discovered I can make a pear tart

With the kids at home.

And it came out delicious!

Picture of Michal Morgenstern

Michal Morgenstern

I'm Haifa born, California raised. I was originally inspired by Ohr Chabad because it reminded me of the pioneering spirit I grew up with as a madricha in the labor zionist youth movement. Idealistic. Pioneering. Connected to Israel. Revolutionary. But religious. Chabad. Which is what I am today. I am married to Ezzy and mother of seven gorgeous little ones. Also I'm a civil environmental engineer, sometimes painter, and occasional yoga instructor.

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